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THE CHRISTIANS The Baltimore Sun "As the preacher’s wife, Elizabeth, who can match her husband for strength of will and depth of feeling, Nikkole Salter does eloquent work. Her intimate scenes with Overshown reach lyrical heights." - Reviewed by Tim Smith 09/18/2017 BALTIMORE CENTER STAGE 2017-18 Directed by: Hana S. Sharif H. Overshown, N. Salter Photo Credit:Richard Anderson

THE CHRISTIANS Baltimore Backstage "...[Nikkole Salter] has an air of elegance and dignity that is required for this role. She fits perfectly with this character and gives a poignant, truthful performance. Salter works especially well with and has great chemistry with her counter-part Howard W. Overshown" - Reviewed by Jason Crawford Samios-Uy 09/25/2017 BALTIMORE CENTER STAGE 2017-18 Directed by: Hana S. Sharif Photo Credit:Richard Anderson

THE CHRISTIANS DC Metro Theater "[Salter] fabulously depicted [her role]... [she was] steadfast and dynamic as Pastor Paul’s wife, Elizabeth." - Reviewed by Gina Jun 09/18/2017 BALTIMORE CENTER STAGE 2017-18 Directed by: Hana S. Sharif L. Clayton, A. Gerber, H. Overshown, N. Salter Photo Credit:Richard Anderson

THE CHRISTIANS Theatre Bloom "Salter... is a true treat to watch upon the stage... it’s the silent responsive reactions she gives to everything that’s happening around her that makes her remarkable as a performer...And when Salter’s character does find the power of speech, it is deeply gripping and emotionally blindsiding..." - Reviewed by Amanda N. Gunther 09/15/2017 BALTIMORE CENTER STAGE 2017-18 Directed by: Hana S. Sharif H. Overshown, N. Salter Photo Credit:Richard Anderson

MACBETH Washington Post "[Salter's performance is] elusive, not frighteningly ruthless or erotically charged...Salter’s [performance presents a] human-scaled Lady Macbeth..." - Reviewed by Nelson Pressley 05/02/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Tony Powell

MACBETH DC Metro Theatre Arts "Nikkole Salter is a superb Lady Macbeth, full of energy, pride, and deep sensuality. One of the best moments of the production comes when she withdraws from Macbeth’s growing cruelty. For her, the excitement of the murder was in the anticipation; once the deed is done, she falls apart."- Reviewed by Sophia Howes 05/09/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Schuman

MACBETH MD Theatre Guide "Salter also shined in her role. She gave a softness and vulnerability to Lady Macbeth when it would be easy to villainize her. In this way, Salter showed the character’s layers and allowed the audience to empathize with her." - Reviewed by Maria Materise 05/04/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH Metro Weekly “…[Salter] has a great command of the language — so great, in fact, one forgets she is speaking words written more than 400 years ago. Salter...makes one wish this was required viewing for metro-region schools: Shakespeare delivered this effectively can create audiences for life. She is such an exciting presence..." - Reviewed by Kate Wingfield 05/11/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Schuman

MACBETH DC Metro Theatre Arts "[Macbeth played by Jesse J. Perez] and Lady Macbeth (Nikkole Salter) make for a formidable couple whose unraveling is riveting to watch." - Reviewed by Julia Hurley 05/02/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH TheatreMania "Nikkole Salter is very good as Lady Macbeth...Salter does not play Lady Macbeth as inherently evil or passionate but rather as an outsider, a woman for whom social situation is everything. She is proud and fierce through most of the play, but a broken soul when she realizes what she and her husband have done."- Reviewed by Barbara Mackay 05/03/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH Shakespearances "Lady Macbeth is a potent force in Salter's portrayal. She speaks the verse with soul-shuddering poetic power while exploring all the shades of Lady Macbeth's personality..."- Reviewed by Eric Minton 05/03/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Schuman

MACBETH DMV202Arts "Nikkole Salter absolutely slays the role of the mad and demented Lady Macbeth." - Reviewed by Malcolm Lewis Barnes 05/04/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH Broadway World "As Lady Macbeth, she enters wearing her headscarf as if already a crown (and Harvard T shirt). She seems more caught up in the whirlwind of ambition than engineering it sinisterly on her own." - Reviewed by Roger Catlin 05/04/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Schuman

MACBETH Two Hours Traffic "But when Nikkole Salter swept onstage making her first entrance as the new queen of Scotland, spontaneous cheers broke out to echo the ones onstage. From skepticism to YAS KWEEN in under thirty seconds- it's a hell of a moment of theatre...Salter and Perez make fine work of their rise and fall from power." - Emily, Emma, and Susan 05/02/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH The Washington Free Beacon By Kate Harvard May 21, 2017 "Nikkole Salter is a gentler and subtler Lady Macbeth than the usual henpecking scolds and femmes fatales...This Lady Macbeth's motivation is clear: the loss of her child...the decision to place children at the center of Macbeth is the smartest part of this production." SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

MACBETH DC Theatre Scene "Nikkole Salter wears some jaw-dropping African formalwear so stupendously that she elicits multiple vocal “Wows!” from the audience." - Alan Katz 05/09/2017 SHAKESPEARE THEATRE PRODUCTION 2016-17 Directed by: Liesl Tommy Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

HEAD OF PASSES San Francisco Chronicle "Nikkole Salter stops the show as their junkie half-sister Cookie, in a wrenching reconciliation-cum-showdown with Shelah." - Reviewed by Robert Hurwitt 04/18/2015 BERKELEY REPERTORY THEATRE PRODUCTION 2014-15 Directed by: Tina Landau Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Kevin Berne

HEAD OF PASSES San Jose Mercury News "It's only when Cookie (a captivating Nikkole Salter) stops by, drenched by the water that's pouring through the parlor, that Shelah's spirit stirs." - Reviewed by Karen D'Souza, 04/20/2015 BERKELEY REPERTORY THEATRE PRODUCTION 2014-15 Directed by: Tina Landau Cheryl Lynn Bruce & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Kevin Berne

HEAD OF PASSES San Francisco Examiner "Nikkole Salter’s Cookie burns with wounded intensity." - Reviewed by Georgia Rowe 04/22/2015 BERKELEY REPERTORY THEATRE PRODUCTION 2014-15 Directed by: Tina Landau Jonathan Burke & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Kevin Berne

TOUGH TITTY The New York Times "Excellent in multiple roles, Nikkole Salter is a calm and anchoring presence as Imani, Angela’s doctor friend. In a surreal and funny late-night scene, Ms. Salter plays a cancer survivor workbook as a belligerent, blaming drill sergeant... ” Reviewed by: LAURA COLLINS-HUGHES 04/29/2014 ANDRE BRAUGHER & AMI BRABSON PRODUCTION at the PARADISE FACTORY, NYC Directed by: Awoye Timpo Ami Brabson & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Hunter Canning

LUCK OF THE IRISH The New England Theatre Geek " Nikkole Salter as Lucy Taylor is enthralling in a prim but steeled performance." - Reviewed by: Gillian Daniels 4/16/2012 HUNTINGTON THEATRE PRODUCTION 2011-12 Directed by Melia Bensussen Victor Williams & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: T. Charles Erikson

LUCK OF THE IRISH The Theatre Mirror "Nikkole Salter as refined Lucy Taylor, is marvelously dignified, her ladylike demeanor sharply contrasted by Patty Ann’s jealousy and sense of entitlement, especially during the women’s confrontation. During Lucy’s triumphant scene, Salter drew loud applause." - Reviewed by: Sheila Barth HUNTINGTON THEATRE PRODUCTION 2011-12 Directed by Melia Bensussen Marianna Bassham & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: T. Charles Erikson

LUCK OF THE IRISH Talkin' B'Way "Nikkole Salter, an IRNE Award nominee for the Huntington's Stick Fly two years ago, plays Lucy with a matriarchal ken, infusing her with intelligence and quiet dignity. She is a woman who knows who she is, unwilling to settle for the place society tries " - Reviewed by: Nancy Grossman HUNTINGTON THEATRE PRODUCTION 2011-12 Directed by Melia Bensussen Victor Williams & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: T. Charles Erikson

LUCK OF THE IRISH The Boston Globe " Salter is equally compelling as Lucy, whose will is unyielding (she will not allow her family to be pushed out of Bellington) but whose heart is touched by the hapless, dreamy Joe, who longs for the life of books and words that Lucy lives" - Reviewed by: Don Aucoin 4/16/2012 HUNTINGTON THEATRE PRODUCTION 2011-12 Directed by Melia Bensussen Nikkole Salter & McCaleb Burnette Photo Credit: T. Charles Erikson

STICK FLY Boston Globe "Nikkole Salter (herself a gifted playwright) imbues this smart, anxious, angry woman with a rich spectrum of emotions and reactions; she lets us see both Taylor’s vulnerabilities and her hard-won strength. It’s a lovely, layered performance of a fascinating role." Reviewed by: Louise Kennedy, February 26, 2010 ARENA STAGE/HUNTINGTON PRODUCTION 2009-2010 Directed by: Kenny Leon Jason Dirden & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

STICK FLY ShowBiz Radio Interview "The fiancee is the productions strongest element. As played by Nikkole Salter ... [she] conveys unlimited intellectual pizazz and fun-loving high-spirits. She is the The One to Watch: one of those performers who charge up a production, the person we keep looking for, wondering what she is going to do... Reviewed by: Joe Adcock, 1/13/2010 ARENA STAGE/HUNTINGTON PRODUCTION 2009-2010 Directed by: Kenny Leon Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

STICK FLY Washington Life Magazine "Nikkole Salter plays Taylor with energy and compassion, giving depth to the girl’s struggle to be accepted by the elite world... Salter’s portrayal of this complex girl is dynamic." Reviewed by: Julie LaPorte, January 11, 2010 ARENA STAGE/HUNTINGTON PRODUCTION 2009-10 Directed by: Kenny Leon Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

STICK FLY Cape Cod Times "...Nikkole Salter, quite brilliant here... each moment of interaction seems natural and real..." Reviewed by: Alicia Blaisdell, February 26, 2010 ARENA STAGE/HUNTINGTON PRODUCTION 2009-2010 Directed by: Kenny Leon Jason Dirden, Billy Eugene Jones, Rosie Benton & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Scott Suchman

GEES BEND Community Press "Salter [is] just as compelling - she with her impeccable comic delivery ..." - Reviewed by: Jackie Demaline CINCINNATI PLAYHOUSE PRODUCTION 2010-11 Directed by Derrick Sanders Bakesta King & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Sandy Underwood

THE OLD SETTLER Talkin' B'Way "Every performance is accurate, detailed and evocative...And it would not surprise me to learn that the delightfully rapacious Nikkole Salter (Lou Bessie) had just stepped out of a freshly minted silver screen print of 1943's Stormy Weather." - Reviewed by: Bob Rendell, for Talkin' Broadway Regional News LUNA STAGE PRODUCTION 2010-2011 Directed by Susan Kerner Nikkole Salter & Suzzanne Douglas Photo Credit: Steve Lawler

THE OLD SETTLER The Star Ledger "Nikkole Salter is a wonder as the scam artist formerly known Lou Bessie, who now prefers the more elegant name Charmayne. With the air of what used to be politely known as “a fancy woman,” Salter is garrulous, bright-eyed and confident." - Reviewed by: Peter Filichia, 10/28/2010 LUNA STAGE PRODUCTION 2010-2011 Directed by Susan Kerner Ami Brabson, Nikkole Salter & Suzzanne Douglas Photo Credit: Steve Lawler

GEES BEND Kansas City Star "...Sadie (played vividly by Nikkole Salter) grows from adolescence to old age in the course of the play. Such a vast age range poses a daunting task for any actor, but Salter rarely misses a beat, whether as a teenage flirt or risking her life in the 1965 civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery." - Reviewed by: Robert Trussell KANSAS CITY REP PRODUCTION 2008-09 Directed by Marion McClinton Nikkole Salter Photo Credit:

GEES BEND Kansas City Community News "Nikkole Salter is quite splendid as Sadie... the play belongs to Salter...she creates a vivid portrait of individual endurance that serves as a fitting salute to all those who sacrificed so much during the Civil Rights movement. - Reviewed by: Russ Simmons KANSAS CITY REP PRODUCTION 2008-09 Directed by Marion McClinton Pascale Armand & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit:

INKED BABY Time Out "The evening moves along swiftly, thanks to some first-rate scene writing and consistently solid acting. Nikkole Salter is especially impressive as Lena's friend..." - Reviewed by: Adam Feldman, for Time Out PLAYWRIGHTS HORIZONS PRODUCTION 2008-09 Directed by Kate Whoriskey Nikkole Salter Photo Credit:

INKED BABY The New York Times "Ms. Salter, the co-star and co-author of 'In the Continuum,' adds some spark ..."- Reviewed by: Charles Isherwood, March 24, 2009, for The New York Times PLAYWRIGHT'S HORIZONS PRODUCTION 2008-09 Directed by Kate Whoriskey Nana Mensah & Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: Joan Marcus

IN THE CONTINUUM Variety Review "Salter is immensely likeable as Nia, bringing welcome humor to the play. She's thoroughly convincing as the somewhat innocent character, which makes Nia's tragedy that much more affecting. Salter also excels in dramatic portrayals, particularly as Nia's bitter mother... - Reviewed by: Terry Morgan 11/26/2006 PRIMARY STAGES PRODUCTION & WORLD TOUR 2005-06 Directed by Robert O'hara Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: James Leynse

IN THE CONTINUUM Gay City News "Both Guira and Salter are actresses of extraordinary range and skill, and they have crafted a play that works both as politics and literature, finding voices for each of the characters that ring ...For such young playwrights and performers, it is a piece of startling maturity." - Reviewed by:Christopher Byrne 10/6-12/2005 PRIMARY STAGES PRODUCTION 2005-06 Directed by Robert O'Hara Nikkole Salter & Danai Gurira Photo Credit: James Leynse

IN THE CONTINUUM Village Voice Review ""In the Continuum is a subtle, smartly staged piece on a subject that could make a great deal more screaming understandable...Salter is particularly good at conveying the complex reactions involved..." - Reviewed by: Michael Feingold 10/4/2005 PRIMARY STAGES PRODUCTION & WORLD TOUR 2005-06 Directed by Robert O'hara Nikkole Salter Photo Credit: James Leynse

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